Now that we're back in school the Anthology has begun!!! I'm proud to say that (Jeremy), that's me is the new Editor-In-Chief of this stupendous organization!!! So we hope to bring you an anthology soon! So keep checkin' in! Also, we hold meetings on Tuesday mornings @8:00 so come check us out!!! (And join :P) 

 *Start making you submissions and submit them at*
                  [email protected]!

SO, unfortunately, we cannot get out the Crumpled paper as soon as planned. Our goal was to get it out by the week before midterms/finals. But, it is still our first year, and the Crumpled paper will be out as soon as possible. It will most probably be out in the week right after Winter break! We want to get the Crumpled Paper printed in color but if not, we will have an online version in color. So either way, it will work out. Good luck with Finals, and look forward to the first edition of The Crumpled Paper!